Complete offers

Close more candidates

Win top talent through a world-class offer portal for candidates to understand your long term compensation value – fully customized to your company.

Ensure every single candidate understands the full value of their compensation from equity, benefits, salary, bonuses – all the way to their career progression and team!

Product example

Save time and secure top talent

Tired of losing top candidates during the lengthy post-offer process? Reduce time spent on these processes and ensure that your ideal candidates don't slip away.

Humanize the experience of scaling your team

We hear, time and time again, that people are often why people join a startup. Complete offers make it clear (and personalized!) who you are working with and what your future at the company looks like.

Product example
Gif of Rani welcoming a candidate.
Product example

Educate candidates on the long term value

Help candidates understand the short and long term value of their packages, alongside the future of the business.

Walk through business goals, customers, and more to pull back the curtain for your candidates.

ATS integrations

Seamlessly embed Complete into your workflow by integrating your ATS directly with Complete. Allow recruiters to use the latest, most up-to-date data reduce errors from duplicative data entry.

Customizable features to
help you differentiate

No two teams are built the same way, so why should the way you talk about your company be? Go deep on complex topics and leave the education and ease of use to us!

Powerful analytics
Team profiles
Educational modules
Custom notes
Dilution and funding
Options vs RSUs
Benefits modeling
Company milestones

Better compensation starts today.
Get started now.